Hepatitis A is a virus that destroys the liver. Once the liver is gone, it cannot produce insulin, which allows cells to take glucose from blood. This can cause serious damage and is usually fatal within three days of being infected. Hepatitis A virus can be transmitted by an infected person who has a blood clot, blood vessel tears, or scar tissue and is able to move infective matter through the blood. The disease can spread from person to person and can be fatal in those who are not treated early.
To protect their own health and the health of others in the dental office, dental staff must be properly vaccinated. Proper staff members will work with patients one-on-one to develop trust. The staff members must understand the risks associated with being unguarded and how important it is to protect themselves and other staff members. Since there is no cure for Hepatitis A, prevention is the only way to protect the health and wellness of the people that come into contact with a patient. Prevention through vaccination is a great idea.
What happens when your staff member does not have the Hepatitis A vaccine? In most cases they will be advised by the professional association that they have been vaccinated. If they do not receive a vaccination, they will be counseled on what they need to do. If they choose not to follow the direction, they will be allowed to go out of the office and will be monitored closely by their professional staff. They should never leave the office without wearing a badge that states that they have been vaccinated.
Wherever staff members have been vaccinated, there has been an increase in the number of patients that visit the dental office. More patients mean a higher chance of having a positive experience when they have dental work done. Patients that have been exposed to Hepatitis have shown to have less adverse reactions when they have dental work done. This helps to create a safe environment where all staff members can work together to provide high quality care to patients.
If you work in an office and you have staff members that have not been vaccinated, you should consider asking them to be vaccinated. If your insurance company will not cover this expense, you could find yourself responsible for this large expense out of pocket. Remember, any type of immunization can cause some people to be at risk for certain illnesses. By asking your staff members to be vaccinated, you will be providing them with the best care possible, while also providing peace of mind for those who are unwell.